
Giving is an important aspect of the Christian life. After all, Luke records that Jesus himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). At Celestial Church of Christ Holy Throne of God, we want to encourage all members to pray about giving and give as God leads them. For those who prefer an online way to give, the church website now offers one.

A key component of Christian spirituality is charitable giving. For Christians, everything—material and spiritual—is a gift from God that they have not earned. God only provides things to us out of generosity and a desire to bless us. Even God gives in sacrificial ways. God became man, Jesus Christ, and offered himself up for death in order to repair our connection to God. God is so kind and merciful that he doesn’t withhold anything that could help us. So how could we, who have so freely accepted his love, not return the favour to our fellow humans? How were we not able to contribute selflessly so that everyone, Christian or not, might benefit from God’s blessings? Christians take part in God’s work by making the decision to give.

We Provide material support (in form of petty cash and gift items) for members who are in immediate need (whenever it is necessary). This charitable Endeavour will also be extended to external charities whenever it is necessary.